Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview

At Rupanyup Primary School we are committed to developing a caring, accepting and inclusive community and aim to provide open-ended approaches to learning and progress, which stimulate flexibility and adaptability. We encourage our young learners to be inquisitive, to question, and to wonder. 


Our curriculum provides carefully planned and mapped educational opportunities in Literacy, Mathematics, Science, History, LOTE (Auslan), Physical Education and Visual Arts. 



At Rupanyup Primary School we foster a love of literature and pride ourselves on an English Program which supports students to achieve personal success in their learning across Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.


In our Reading Program, teachers support students with explicit teaching, focused on producing specific learning outcomes. We offer a wide range of opportunities to practice their skill development in a whole class, small group, and independent learning settings. Students discuss their learning and set goals with their teachers and are able to articulate what they are learning and how they know they are successful.


Students learn strategies to become competent decoders of text, explore new vocabulary, monitor their understanding, and read with fluency and expression. Families are involved with their child's journey with take-home decodable readers, a school library borrowing system, and regular opportunities for students to share their learning in person.


The writing model provides a clear whole school approach to enhance teaching and learning and improve student outcomes. Each writing session begins with teachers demonstrating and explicitly teaching the text type being studied and unpack associated text features, structures and vocabulary. Students are then given the opportunity to practise what has been modelled.


We offer a comprehensive Numeracy Program which provides students with strong foundations in mathematical skills, strategies and understanding. Our aim is to support students to understand and use mathematics effectively so they can successfully participate at school, at home and in the wider community. Our daily Numeracy Program includes a warmup to promote mathematical fluency, explicit teaching of concepts and understandings, and opportunities to apply knowledge to problem solving situations.


Children take part in focussed teaching groups, complete independent work and always conclude with an opportunity to reflect on learning on the lesson. Our teachers assess and monitor student achievement throughout the year in order to identify each student’s needs in Mathematics, allowing the teacher to plan for future instruction.


We celebrate diversity and multiculturalism at Rupanyup Primary School and identified the Official Australian Language for the deaf community, Auslan to be taught across all year levels. 


Our Library is a fantastic space for the children to tap into their imagination. With an extensive choice of books, which have been electronically catalogued, students are encouraged to regularly read, borrow, and discover new authors and stories.


The Arts

The Arts curriculum program is valued as a vehicle for students to express their creativity in both visual, and performing arts sessions. We are fortunate to be a part of the Song Room Music program that provides an experienced music teacher, program and professional mentoring to staff. Music sessions are timetabled weekly and woven into other curriculum areas to promote learning and engagement. A visual arts teacher is employed for specialist art sessions each week. Student art is displayed in our office foyer and through the large passage for all to view and appreciate the expressive art works. Student present performances and their visual art at special events throughout the year. 

Mobile Area Resource Centre 

Rupanyup Primary School receives fortnightly visits from the Department of Education & Training mobile library. The Mobile Area Resource Centre (MARC van) is a small mobile library filled with picture story books, fictional novels, non-fiction books as well as teacher resources for students and teachers to borrow. MARC lessons allow students to share a book, discuss different aspects, think critically and explore issues in greater detail with an activity that integrates into other key learning areas.

Physical Education / Health

At Rupanyup Primary School, The Physical Education Program aims to provide a positive experience for all students encouraging them to be physically active, as well as gaining an understanding for the importance of overall health. Our aim is to foster exemplary sporting values and fairness and a culture of respect for other participants at all times. Our students enjoy participating in both competitive and non-competitive physical activity. The sport program is aimed towards building self-discipline, commitment and teamwork.

In both the junior and senior class, all students are expected to be involved in the swimming program which takes place for three weeks at the beginning of the year. Rupanyup Primary School is part of the Dunmunkle cluster, which competes against surrounding schools and districts in a wide range of sports.

ICT (Information and Communications Technology)

We believe technology in schools encourages engagement, collaboration and helps develop skills essential for the digital world. Here at Rupanyup Primary School, technology is used to enhance student learning and provide diverse opportunities to cater for all learning needs. A recent technology upgrade has provided the junior class 1:1 iPads, and the senior class 1:1 Notebooks. Students are educated on the appropriate use of devices, including the use of online programs and forums.